Thursday, December 3, 2009

Style Star in Question?!

Seventeen Magazine just named there style star of the year for 2009: Who might you ask, it's Miley Cyrus! Congrats to Miley! but I'm sorry, have they lost it, are you kidding me? Miley??!! Noway, I can think of 5 stars off the top of my head that could be your style star for 2009. I love Seventeen, but I think they did wrong by naming Miley style star of the year. Maybe it's her rocker style, that I'm just not use to. Some of her outfits seem like they are weird. Not everyone loves Miley and not everyone wants to see what she is wearing. Who cares!! She dressed to old for her age and it sometimes looks like she tries way to hard. Miley, wake up!! You're 17 not 25!! What's up all the sexy racy shower pics?? Than she dose the peace sign in other pics!? Girl, make up your mind, if you're going to be the next playboy bunny or if you're going to be a peace loving Disney girl. You're beautiful and young!

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